Monday, September 15, 2014

So Whats The Big Deal!

We get asked all the time what the big deal is with Chalk Based paints and what makes them so special. We thought we would write a quick blog to help you understand how Chalk Based paints work.

Ok, so whats the big deal with Chalk Based/Mineral Based paints. Are they really that different than regular household paint?

Chalk based/Mineral based paints are specialty paints designed to allow you the luxury of taking something beat up or needing a fresh coat of paint and being able to do it with a limited process.
If you have painted furniture in the past you would know that stripping the old finish off was a requirement and a must to do in order to get paints to stick to the surface.

 With Chalk/Mineral based paints you don't have to do as much prep work as you would have before. How many of you know that stripping a piece of furniture is hours of labor and sometimes in vain when a piece doesn't hold up to being stripped. If you choose to paint in a chalk/mineral based paint you can cut that time way down and still get a beautiful finish.

Heres how:

Chalk/Mineral based paints can be directly painted down onto any surface. Some surfaces require more prep than others but still no where near the amount of prep you would of had to do outside of these specialty paints. Most surfaces require a wipe down. Some people just wipe down with water. Depending on the age of the piece I like to wipe down with mineral spirits. That cuts the grime of years past off the piece and gives you a fresh pallet to work off of. Than I paint in thin even layers with a chalk/mineral based paint line. Lets say that you have a super glossy piece or fake wood surface, these require a for sure wipe down with mineral spirits and and rough quick sand.

After you paint your final layer and you like the outcome, I take a 220 sand block and buff the piece. Buffing is a process where it smooths down the grit of the chalk/mineral base paint and cures the paint to the piece. If you want to distress than these types of paints are perfect because if you press harder or take a palm sander to your piece it distresses like it would if it were aged. Rather than peel away it dusts off leaving a cleaner distress and one that lasts the test of wear and tear.

After your piece is completely done and looking the way you want than we like to add wax to the piece to add a protective smooth layer. The more your gonna wear and tear the piece the more wax layers you should apply. For example a kitchen table should have at least two layers of wax but even three to be safe (especially if you have kiddos).

So that is the basics of Chalk/Mineral Based paints. The big deal is it provides a way to refinish furniture without a huge investment in time for prep work and affordable prices in materials. Next time you want to refresh something, you should try a chalk/mineral based paint! Thats our opinion.

Most of our readers know that we just launched a new Paint Line called the Be Junk Chic Paint Collection. In this collection you have access to a high end, low VOC, mineral and water based paint. Our paint line consists of 30 amazing colors and the option to have us custom any color you fancy. Our product has been launched for 6 months and tested amongst some of the biggest named paint companies out there. It has stood against the big name peeps and we strive to keep it at an affordable price. We know just how frustrating it is to want to paint with quality paint and yet you have to drop a pretty penny to do so. Now you don't! Check out our Facebook page for colors and ordering of product. Stay tuned as we are launching an online store early October!

Our paint swatches are below...

Be Inspired! Go paint something!

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